Primary Sources
Interviews Conducted by Author:
Floyd Hook Jr. January 8, 2020. At The Why Not III, Springfield OH.
Floyd Hook Jr. January 10, 2020. At The Why Not III, Springfield OH.
Blontas (Winkie) Mitchell. January 10, 2020. Winkie’s residence, Springfield, OH.
Blontas (Winkie) Mitchell. January 12, 2020. Winkie’s residence, Springfield, OH.
Blontas (Winkie) Mitchell. January 13, 2020. Winkie’s residence, Springfield, OH.
Floyd Hook Jr. January 14, 2020. Driving through Springfield OH.
John Hamilton and Bill Robinson. March 18, 2020. John and Bill’s residence, Springfield, OH
Avery Sledge. March 19, 2020. Avery’s residence, Beavercreek, OH.
ACT UP Oral History Project Archives
East New York Oral History Project
Mott Haven Oral History Project
Secondary Sources
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